So yesterday I bit the bullet and wrote a fresh description for the back cover of “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers. That was all I needed to complete the process for the paperback POD (print on demand) version of the book. I felt the rewrite was necessary because the original was simply too long for…
Category: Books
Finally! Launch Day! And the Life Lesson I Learned
It’s probably safe to say no one longed for launch day for “Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers Revealed!” than yours truly. Indeed it wouldn’t surprise me to learn I was the only one longing for the launch of this book. After all, it is about life insurance. My experience suggests it is a…
Down to the Wire…
Thursday. The book launches Thursday. If you’ve been patiently screaming for me to shut up about it, I hear ya. Maybe that was me screaming. I just want it to launch at this point. Again, the point of a pre-order is to give the publisher, in this case, me, time to market the book –…
Where Am I Now? An Update
So… in case I forgot to remind you my first book “Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers Revealed!” will be released in just ten days – that’s April 14th for those who abhor math and calendars. The giveaway is well over 200 entrants. Not bad for a book on life insurance. I’m not writing…
“Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?” The extended version.
The above question was posted on my goodreads author’s dashboard. Yes! I have my own “author’s dashboard”! Whoo Hoo! As usual I first came up with a simple answer, then I promptly worked it into something a lot more involved. Well shoot, life is complicated. Life insurance can be very complicated, but it doesn’t have…
Why Women Aren’t Buying Life Insurance and The Solution
This article was posted in an insurance forum I belong to. Lack of knowledge, confidence deter women from purchasing life insurance My takeaways from the article are women do not buy life insurance because they don’t know what life insurance to buy or how much life insurance to buy. They also feel life insurance is…
My Inaugural Goodreads Giveaway – Till April 13th!
Of course at this moment it is “pending approval”. Controllers gotta control. They didn’t seem to have any problems taking my money. Update: approved! Yes, I am actually paying to give my new book away. Frugal, okay, el cheapo soul that I am, I struggled with the concept but in the end, I threw caution, and…
My Library…
Not really, my own library is more like several piles of books scattered about the homestead, but I love the categories. They do fit. Now… do I add this pic to the sidebar?
Going for Number Two!
Naw! Not THAT number two! Geesh! You guys! The number 2 BOOK! 🙂 Okay so I couldn’t help it. Anyway I expect to have the agent version available in a day or so. Most of the heavy lifting is done already. Now all I need to to is rinse and repeat – IF I can…
Publishing Update
In case you were wondering, no, you need not subscribe to my mailing list to get updates. That’s not how I roll. The mailing list is a convenience for you and, yes, a marketing tool for me. Long ago I wrote an article around the old saying, “If you build a better mousetrap the world…