Of course at this moment it is “pending approval”. Controllers gotta control. They didn’t seem to have any problems taking my money. Update: approved! Yes, I am actually paying to give my new book away. Frugal, okay, el cheapo soul that I am, I struggled with the concept but in the end, I threw caution, and possibly money, to the wind and went for it. Why? Well, you might be surprised.
Like the post below says, I really do want to get this book into as many hands as possible. This is not because I’m seeking fame and fortune but because the information is important. One of the first people to respond to my announcement on FB told how her Dad (and her whole family really) was devastated after he got cancer and left his job. I don’t know all the details, but I’m guessing he had “workplace” life insurance. There is nothing wrong at all about having this type of insurance but it often gives employees a false sense of security. What they don’t realize is when the job ends, the insurance ends. Yes, this type of insurance can often be bought, but it is rarely a top notch product.
If I want to get the information out, why not just give the book away forever? Long ago, I learned people rarely put much value on something unless it costs them. The greater the cost the higher the value. Granted there are limitations to this concept. If I sold this book for $1000 a copy, I doubt if I’d get many takers and I doubt if any of those takers would be thrilled once they got it and I’d agree with them. This is not to say this book wouldn’t return that $1000 and then some, but asking someone to pay so much for what amounts to a 100 page ebook (or even a print version) is asking a lot. Not only that but, that $1000 price tag would keep the book out of most people’s reach. So I priced the book at $4.99, cheap enough so anybody could own a copy but high enough to suggest there may be some value attached. I think it is a great value because just buying the correct insurance for your needs will not only save you money but could add to your net worth in the years to come.
Here Is The Giveaway
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” for Consumers Revealed!
by Andrew Havens
Giveaway ends April 13, 2022.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
The blog post on goodreads is below.
I’m Giving It ALL Away!
Okay, well not “ALL” really. Shall we call it literary license? How about a learner’s permit?
Anyway, I’m giving away 100 copies of my First Published Book EVER just prior to the launch on April 14th.
The giveaway begins a week from today, so if you’d like a free copy, please enter and tell your friends.
Who is this book for? As much as I’d like to say “everybody”, I think saying that might invalidate my literary learner’s permit. So lets break it down.
If you have life insurance, you need this book. Why? Because it will show you things about your policy so you can avoid losing some or all of your policy’s value. OR you might just discover you do NOT have the coverage you think you have. You’d be in good company. Seven out of ten (yes, 7/10) people do NOT have the insurance coverage they thought they had.
If you need life insurance, you’ll find out how to buy life insurance while avoiding all of the bells and whistles that drive up the cost. You’ll learn the best types of policies to buy and where to find them.
Either way, you’ll learn about those “dirty little secrets” most people learn about after it is too late.
Best of all, Life Insurance “Dirty Little Secrets” Revealed! Lays out life insurance basics in simple easy-to-understand layman’s terms so anyone can quickly and easily talk to any life insurance agent with confidence.
Enter the giveaway today for a chance to get your free copy!
If you missed the link, it is right above this blog post :-).
Now when it is all said and done… will it be worth it? I don’t know. It might turn out I can’t GIVE 100 copies of this book away. Now that would be sad but it is very possible. Time will tell. Update: YES! Well over 100 people have entered already! I never thought I’d be so happy to give my book away.