Last night Tucker Carlson interviewed Kanye West. I must say it was interesting. I had no idea Mr. West had a such strong relationship with God. It was encouraging. What I found even more riveting was Tucker’s conversation with one of his regular commentators, Jason Whitlock.
The fact is, I always find Jason Whitlock’s comments worth paying attention to. Last night was no exception. Of course the subject line tells it all. Mr. Whitlock described the Democrats as being focused on death. He cites abortion mostly. Others (I can’t remember any names) have come right out and declared the Democrats as a death cult. Whitlock’s comments got me to thinking along those lines and now I’m convinced those who say so may be more right than one first suspects.
Before I get into that, I’d like to delve a bit more into Jason Whitlock’s perspective as I’ve observed it. What I really like about him is he tends to think in godly terms. He and I both were somewhat conflicted about Kanye West’s statem