Note from Andy – working without a net here – I’m trying to keep both this site and my site The Liberty site updated and, per my usual I want to be lazy about it. In other words I want to post the same entry to both sites but I only want post once….
Author: Andy
The Significance of Insignificance
Update on my new book – Spiritual Warfare (working/descriptive title). The first draft is nearly complete. For me this is a blockbuster work, encompassing a lifetime of learning and study. I truly believe this is a work inspired by God Almighty. Since my initial post here a lot has happened – things that have strengthened…
Working on a New Project – Spiritual Warfare
Just a note here, I am working on a book about spiritual warfare. I hope to complete and release it soon. The sooner the better as I see a great need for our nation. Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the…
The Latest – March 3, 2024
Well that was unexpected… First things first, I thought I’d set up to autopost from my blog at If you look at some past posts you will see I actually was doing so at one point… and then it stopped. Technology is great – when (and IF) it works. When it doesn’t? It blows. …
New Video _ Home Page Explored
Somehow this never got published. Here it is on Rumble
Should This Site Come Down…
(from my Police State Review Post)
Oh yeah! One more thing, while watching the movie I got this creepy feeling and started wondering when I might become prominent on the radar. While I’m sure if the globalists were paying any attention to me at all, they would certainly not like what I have to say. On the other hand, my blog, my posts, and so forth are quite obscure. As far as radar is concerned, I’m a dust speck. Should there come a time when “the authorities” come knocking on my door, it might be an indication to head for the hills because I am no threat to anyone. For that reason if you come back and see my site down, disabled, or vanished for any period of time, OR I’ve stopped posting altogether without warning, chances are I am either dead or detained.
Added note: funny thing, when I went to post my review, lo and behold this site WAS down! The cause was a technical issue totally unrelated to anything but ya never know!
Police State Movie Review
First things first, I go to long on to TLC and my site is down so I have no idea when this will be posted. UPDATE: The issue seems to be with the PHP version used so y’all can nix any conspiracy theories 🙂
If you read my previous post then you know I bought this movie on DVD. It arrived Tuesday. I didn’t see the notice until Wednesday and we finally watched it on Thursday.
Police State is apparently available on Rumble I embedded it below for your convenience. I say “apparently” because I finally decided to try to stream 2000 Mules. It is listed on Rumble but it comes up with a short message from Dinesh to jump through some hoops first. Since I don’t think I can do that on my television setup, I haven’t tried it yet.
This movie is first rate. It is well produced and well presented. It is also just a bit scary – depending on how easily you are intimidated. All that said, I did not find much revealed I did not already know. This is not because I am all that savvy. Everything
More On the Resurrection of the Dead
In my previous posts on Peter’s first spirit-filled sermon, I remarked on those things Peter stated indicating the dead are not alive now. From this I pointed out the fallacy of today’s common belief that Christians immediately go to heaven after death. Today, I take this further, looking into scriptures pertaining to resurrection and what is commonly referred to as “the Rapture”. While this second term appears nowhere in scripture, there is certainly evidence of the event it refers to. I’ll remind you another term, born again, does not occur in scripture either but few would argue whether it applies to those of us who confess Jesus as Lord and Christ. My goal here is to explore a number of scriptures pertaining to the resurrection and the coming of Christ to see how they could all fit together.
Let’s begin with Paul in Acts 23 where he faces the Jewish leadership of the day, the Sanhedrin.
Acts 23:6 But when Paul perceived that the one par
Adding a Forum
Forums have long been both a passion and a curse for me. They tend to be time consuming monsters for me. So why start one? I have my reasons. As for this particular venue, I’m just making it available. That’s it. If you sign up, drop in, and look around, you might be disappointed. I’m…
Martha, Paul, and Jesus – the Resurrection of the Dead and the Rapture
In my previous posts on Peter’s first spirit-filled sermon, I remarked on those things Peter stated indicating the dead are not alive now. From this I pointed out the fallacy of today’s common belief that Christians immediately go to heaven after death. Today, I take this further, looking into scriptures pertaining to resurrection and what is commonly referred to as “the Rapture”. While this second term appears nowhere in scripture, there is certainly evidence of the event it refers to. I’ll remind you another term, born again, does not occur in scripture either but few would argue whether it applies to those of us who confess Jesus as Lord and Christ. My goal here is to explore a number of scriptures pertaining to the resurrection and the coming of Christ to see how they could all fit together.
Let’s begin with Paul in Acts 23 where he faces the Jewish leadership of the day, the Sanhedrin.
Acts 23:6 But when Paul perceived that the one par