Well that was unexpected…
First things first, I thought I’d set up to autopost from my blog at TheLibertyCoalition.org. If you look at some past posts you will see I actually was doing so at one point… and then it stopped. Technology is great – when (and IF) it works. When it doesn’t? It blows. As of now I’m working on it but not all that hard.
Meanwhile my YouTube “Armchair Adventures” is on hold for the moment. Reason? I got to working on the third video and I couldn’t manage to get things to the point where I didn’t suck so bad I would be embarrassed to release it. Anyone who has seen the first two installments will know it is a low bar to begin with.
And now I’m on to something else. Before I get to that – let’s talk about writing… shall we? Might as well talk because I’m not writing all that much. Okay, that’s not entirely true. I’ve been posting on TLC with some regularity. As far as writing fiction? Not so much. I just have too many distractions. I started a couple more blogs – Ishoot22.com and Indoorplantpro.com but I haven’t moved beyond posting a few articles on each. I have been shooting more and I like shooting .22 caliber because it’s cheap and I can shoot a lot. Now about that “something else”.
Can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it here and I’m too lazy to check but I’ve sort of been dragged out of semi-retirement by a friend needed help with building his ecommerce platform – Netzcart. It’s a great platform and the owner, Avner is a great guy so I’m happy to lend a hand but… whew! It’s a lot more than I bargained for.
If you don’t know the shopping cart biz is highly competitive and dominated by Shopify at the moment. Truth be told, Shopify is a decent product – far better than the cart I managed and hated for years – Volusion. That said, there are a few thins I really like about Netzcart. For one thing, the platform’s main guy – Avner Netz – is approachable. He knows his stuff too. Better yet, he will work very hard to help you build and manage the cart you want. Sure, a lot of the mods are “off the shelf” but I chose his cart exactly because he was able to do some things no other cart could do. It wasn’t a difficult thing, just non-standard. Anyway that was the beginning of our acquaintance and then friendship. Fast forward…
So I’m gonna try to give him a hand. I’ve already wrote some emails and made some calls but I’m realizing I need to up my game. To that end I’m taking some courses on building landing pages, analytics, and digital marketing among others. Beyond helping Avner, I’ll look into venturing further into the digital marketing world with a focus on building and optimizing web pages. I’ll see how things go from there.