Now that’s a shocker, isn’t it? Anyone who has read more than ten of my posts is likely waiting for some sort of twist to take it all away. It’s not coming. I mean it. Your vote means nothing. No, I haven’t turned into a raving lunatic champing at the bit to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. I’m still the same raving lunatic I’ve always been. It’s just that I had this thought that opened up a different perspective. Bear with me.
Once again I found myself at that pool of thoughts that reflects my past back at me. Okay, I got to thinking about my life – all right? Mostly I got to thinking about my journeys into the world of politics. On occasion I’ve attended caucuses, political events, and yes, even board meetings. I was part of the “Young Republicans” once, though I wasn’t all that young at the time. I even nominated a friend for office and ran for an office myself (Town Clerk). At the time I believed I could help shape things from the inside. Said illusions were sh