Well now, we do seem to be experiencing some dichotomy these days. On the one hand, we have such crises as the SVB bank failure and the potential domino effect. (As I pointed out recently and now smugly remind you.) On the other hand we have another potential domino effect of the Asbury revival. What’s going on here? Could God Almighty possibly have a hand in both?
Of course he can. In fact God is surely working in both arenas. So what gives? Since he’s not overtly answering my calls as of yet, I’ll do the best I can with what I have, all the while praying for more insight as I write.
Since Asbury came first, let’s look at that first. I have not a smidgen of doubt God worked at Asbury University and is still working to fan those spiritual flames of revival. One could say the current banking crisis and anything else that ca