An Action Plan for Restoring Our Constitutional Republic
Where do we go from here?
Today’s post was inspired by a conversation I had recently with a fellow on Twitter. He asked some questions and I tried to answer. To put it bluntly, at times I wondered if he was a troll. His questions and input was often obtuse. In fact, the whole thing started with a comment he made and I replied asking for clarification. In the end, I’d say he was sincerely looking for answers. Those I supplied there and offer here are by no means to be considered authoritative. They are simply my thoughts, wishes, and opinions… among other things.
It all began with a discussion of elections. Maybe you are better than I when it comes to following a Twitter thread. It’s a low bar, trust me. To that end, I won’t attempt to reconstruct the thread nor post it. Instead I’ll touch on some of main points.
The Undeclared War in America
Liberty is under attack. I, for one, will defend it.
Note: from here on out my posts for GOD and the Republic will be published on my blog at “”. I will continue to posts links to anyone subscribing to this newsletter. Please subscribe below if you would like notifications of new articles vis substack.
For anyone reading the last post, I owe you an apology. Thus I hereby apologize for indicating our nation is lost and we should abandon the idea of restoring it. While the darkness encompassing our land seems to continue to deepen all is not lost. Light dispels darkness. Our forefathers put everything on the line, their wealth, their lives, their families to found this nation. Should any of us be willing to forfeit any less? Are we so enslaved by our possessions, our way of life, deteriorating as it is, to hang on at all costs? Granted, the “fear of loss” is hard-wired into the human brain, however we can u
Substack article for Thursday, July 28, 2022: Winning the Battle – Losing the War
Posted today on Substack:
Winning the Battle – Losing the War
Keeping your eye on the prize in the face of annihilation
Believe it or don’t – even if this war is lost, we need to keep fighting on.
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Substack article for Tuesday July 26: DeJa Vu Did Jeremiah Prophesy Against America?
Posted on GOD and the Republic – my latest substack article:
DeJa Vu
Did Jeremiah Prophesy Against America?
Reading Jerimiah this morning, I couldn’t help but see some strong correlation with things happening in this nation today.
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Substack article for Thursday, July 21, 2022: The One War That Terrifies the Globalists
Posted on GOD and the Republic – my latest substack article:
The One War That Terrifies the Globalists
They lust for war but not THAT!
So… are we totally screwed or what? WHAT! We can turn the tables on the globalists. Even better this is one fight we cannot lose!
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Sleuthing the Data Burglar
So living in the sticks, the only broadband available is satellite. If you don’t know this already satellite sucks. Big time. You get so much “data allowance” per month, then they throttle you. Hugh$net, in the spirit of generosity, recently upped our monthly allotment by 505 – from 20 Gb per month to 30 Gb…
Reposting this Lesson of Value
A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a Jeep I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you…
New on GOD and the Republic (my Substack Newsletter) Posted Thursday: Politicians Legislate Crime
I posted a new substack article on Thursday for GOD and the Republic Politicians Legislate Crime It’s worse than that actually. Maybe I should have entitled it “The Politicians Make Criminals of Us All” and they double down daily! On the very day this article came out – they did it again! Please share subscribe…
New on GOD and the Republic (my Substack Newsletter) “Civil War? Yes? If So When? Can it be avoided?”
I just posted a new substack article for GOD and the Republic So much talk of a new Civil War. Does this have to happen? Is it inevitable? Civil War? Yes? If So When? Can it be avoided? Please share subscribe if you like what you see!
Hubpages Finale
So at least I can say the “Hub Pages Team” responded in a timely manner. Good on them. Here is what they had to say… Hello, While we do not allow for self-promotion, you can add a link to your personal blog in your bio which readers can then click on. You can find…