Maybe I’ve been living under a rock after all. The other day I listened to some of Joe Bobo’s ramblings. All of a sudden my ears perked up when he mumbled something about a Universal Minimum Tax. What the hell is that? My first thought was “This isn’t Bobo’s idea – his last best idea was to copy somebody else’s work and call it his own.” At least I was right on one thing… Joe Biden remains the world champion of unoriginal thoughts. Now about that Universal Minimum Tax.
First this from our own propaganda machine – – aka “The Voice of America”.
US Failure to Implement Global Minimum Tax Could Be Costly
Four articles today detailing some very disturbing revelations. Surprise, surprise, half of the articles below center around the DOJ. This first article covers several seemingly unrelated stories of violence perpetuated upon a range of individuals from politicians to teenage citizens. Taken separately they are unsettling stories. Taken as a whole, a larger picture begins to form. Granted, it’s hard to say whether one could select any number of articles from a set period in history and postulate on theory or another. What I’m saying is it is not reasonable to come to any solid conclusions from the “evidence” provided. That said, whether there really is an increase in politically motivated violence or not, it only takes one instance to ruin a life. Do stay aware of your surroundings… always. Bear with me, I’m still learning the ropes. No, this isn’t my first rodeo but it’s been a long time since I was active in local politics in any way. It’s been over 20 years actually, since I moved from my hometown. Even then my activity was sporadic. I attended meetings now and then on the village and county level, as well as a couple of meetings when the Congress critter deigned to show up. I also attended some Republican functions. My wife and I know, I know, I’ve been pretty hard on our government employees lately, particularly the FIB’s. It’s only because every day more evidence comes out indicating they are corrupt as hell. Granted, one could make a case they’ve never been the squeaky clean upstanding shining-lights-on-the-hilltop examples of what a federal law enforcement employee should be, but more and more I’m convinced they are rotten to the core. Never mind stories about ol HH being a cross-dressing homosexual. Never mind the tales of agents collecting dirt on anybody they could and then blackmailing them to give them a free ride anytime, anywhere. Never mind the more recent revelations about “Operation Crossfire”, top officials lying to Congress and even FISA judges. Never mind the vindication of General Mike Flynn who was destroyed. Actually, DO mind it, ALL of it. Now how about the latest bit? No, I’m not talking about the raid on
If you landed here without first viewing part one, you can find it here. There I confront the current discourse gaining steam in our nation, i.e. “we must have a civil war because we have no other choice.” Bunk. In part two below, I make my case on how we can peacefully exert our rights and duty as citizens to reclaim our nation. We all grew up being fed a pack of lies, as did our parents and their parents before them. When did all this deception start? At this point, I’m not convinced anyone can say for sure. Nor do I think it really matters. Let me ask you, if we could sniff out a trail leading to one individual who started us all on this false path to our nation’s ills, what then? Go find his grave and stomp on it? Dig up his bones and burn them? Don’t get upset ladies, almost assuredly the lies began with a man. In t I just opened this from the VDCL (Virginia Citizens Defense League). They are the premier gun rights group here in Virginia. I’ll post the entire message below. I received this from member John G. These instructions are for a Republican. Similar instructions would be for a Democrat: You can sign up to be an elections officer at To be considered for this election you must apply by 9/30. You can go ahead and sign up now for future elections. Once accepted you can serve for 2 years. You can be an Election Officer only in the county where you vote. Virginia law says Republicans are entitled to parity. Currently Republicans only have 385 officers compared to 1,100 trained and ready Democrats. A total of 1,100 is all th The gist of this article, as I see it, really says what I’ve been saying all along: the globalists are moving forward with a concerted effort to control our nation. Chances are pretty good, the author, Auron MacIntyre, says it better. Either way the goal is the same, centralized control of us all. While Mr. MacIntyre’s focus is primarily the US of A, it is easy to see what happens once they’ve got us securely under their thumb. Centralization cannot be complete until everything is controlled from one convenient location. “Every ruling class needs a way to secure power and justify that power to the masses” The one term I cringe at is one we all seem to have come to accept: “ruling class”. Hey! This is America… remember? We citizens ARE the ruling class. Why then, do we so readily accept the idea that “the elites” somehow have some right to lord it over us? It’s conditioning folks. Well, I got carried away again… or did I? In part one, I confront the current discourse gaining steam in our nation, i.e. “we must have a civil war because we have no other choice.” Bunk. In part two, I make my case on how we can peacefully exert our rights and duty as citizens to reclaim our nation. Time and time again, I’ve heard this. “We can’t vote our way out of this.” Most often this alludes to some sort of violent solution. The most common solution is often referred to as Civil War II. Now wait just a gol darn minute. Too often these days I find myself shaking my head at one news story or another, wondering how crazy can the world get? Then things get even more nuts. New York Congressman Lee Zeldin is now running for Governor of that state. The current Governor Kathy Hocul is looking to be elected for the first time. She became Governor when Andrew Cuomo stepped down. From what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t trust her to run a cash register, much less the State of New York. Exhibit number one: Lee Zeldin’s political ad. It consists of several video clips of actual crimes. The airwaves are rampant with such clips. Violent crime is rampant. What do the globalists focus on? “Gun violence”. Never mind that the so-called “gun violence” they decry is already 100% illegal and nearly 100% committed by those who cannot legally own a gun, their “solution” is always the same: render law-abiding citizens defenseless. Meanwhile the globalist The article below is far too sketchy on details, but on the surface, the tale is chilling. Here’s what really bothers me: Ryan-Marie, who is a homeschool mother, explained the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. this morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.” The federal crime the suspect is accused of: Mark was arrested and appeared in federal court, charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, “which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of reproductive health care.” The details as stated in the article is he pushed a 72 year-old man to the ground as he attempted to escort patients. First things first, if this man diOur Government, Our Employees… Work So Very Hard for US – NOT!
The Ins and Outs of Local Politics
I distanced ourselves from the Young Republicans when the county chair showed up one night at our meeting and asked what we thought of our new President – Bob Dole. Yeah, it was that long ago. The problem we had was Dole was not the Republican candidate at the time because the primaries had not yet been held. We liked S
FEDS Gone WILD – The Bank Caper
Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1
Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 2
The Myth of America
They Get It – Managed Dehumanization Article
Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1
Civil War II – Because We Can’t Vote Our Way Out of This – Oh REALLY? PART 1
First off, I contend that the first “Civil War” was not a civil war at all. The South did not “rise up” in
Fear Not
Yet ANOTHER FIB Raid on a Citizen