Forums have long been both a passion and a curse for me. They tend to be time consuming monsters for me. So why start one? I have my reasons. As for this particular venue, I’m just making it available. That’s it. If you sign up, drop in, and look around, you might be disappointed. I’m…
Update – Trump, The Nation, and The Body of Christ
For those of you who stop back from time to time only to see I haven’t posted in a while – thank you for your diligence. Between last week’s power outage (2 days), storms, and other distractions, I have an excuse not to post. Meanwhile, President Trump (WHEW! What a joy it is just to…
Update on Your Manifest Purpose” and an Exciting New Free Release!
Update: I’ve been working on my new book “Your Manifest Purpose” to the exclusion of almost all other writing. It is now being fully scrutinized by beta readers. Meanwhile God has not relented from showering me with new insights. To be fair, a lot of what God is showing me is stuff I should have…
Why Would God Almighty Choose YOU for Heaven’s Sake?
If this question hits home, you’re in good company. I cannot count the times I’ve asked this of myself. Short answer: God chose us because He knows us. – inside and out, from beginning to end. In my own case I tend to wonder if He’s offering proof of His sense of humor. Please, God,…
Another, DIFFERENT Look at Elizabeth’s Red Car Theory Story
Yesterday I posted about my friend Elizabeth’s Red Car Theory Story. Confession time – my mind was reeling so much about how it related to my book, I glossed over the very fine point of her story. The sad truth is, Elizabeth’s main point also relates but I’m not going there right now. Just what…
Elizabeth’s “Red Car Theory” – Unbeknownst To Her – It Reveals a Principle Outlined in My Upcoming Book!
Amazing how God works! Here is a link to Elizabeth “Madam Punisher’s” book. You won’t get all the details for some time yet but I won’t keep you in suspense. In fact this principle is outlined in the very beginning of the book. Granted the two concepts are not identical in every way but…
Your Manifest Purpose Cover Change
Look, I’m a writer, not a graphics guy but right now I’m pinching pennies. This may change. At some point I might go all out for a new book cover but for now, this is it. What I’m told is the cover is the single most important factor when it comes to selling books and…
Beta Readers for Your Manifest Purpose – Room for One More
Confession time – this whole “beta reader” thingy is all new to me. I’m fumbling and stumbling along – in the dark – like I’m on ice and I just heard a “crack”. With this in mind take the “Room for One More” with a grain of salt. I’m staying flexible here to say the…
Controversy? You Decide! Just Lost a Hot New Follower on X
Let me start by defining “hot” for you dirty-minded people out there. By “hot” I mean someone I connected with. No more. Okay? Gee. Let me explain. The other day I got into a conversation with a self-professed new Christian. He was asking about something or other. We posted a few things back and forth….
Possible Double Post – Reawakening, Reformation, and Restoration – Where We Stand
Note from Andy – working without a net here – I’m trying to keep both this site and my site The Liberty site updated and, per my usual I want to be lazy about it. In other words I want to post the same entry to both sites but I only want post once….
The Significance of Insignificance
Update on my new book – Spiritual Warfare (working/descriptive title). The first draft is nearly complete. For me this is a blockbuster work, encompassing a lifetime of learning and study. I truly believe this is a work inspired by God Almighty. Since my initial post here a lot has happened – things that have strengthened…