Author: Andy
Short Posting This Week – Meanwhile, in AZ
First, I haven’t posted this week due to personal issues. Writing anything has simply been hard going.
Meanwhile in AZ.. (Gateway Pundit article)
Why bring this up?
It’s bad enough the globalists ignore our Constitution.
It’s bad enough the globalists shred our Constitution with glee.
Battlefield Earth Part 3 Your Mission as a Christian
Summing up Parts 1 & 2 – there is a world-wide spiritual war going on right now, today. Nobody, but NOBODY can escape it. As a Christian, you are not only part of the battle but you are on the winning side and you are already equipped to do battle yourself. It’s up to you to as to what you do now.
For the sake of argument, let’s say you’ve accepted your part in all this. Now what? This is the question I’ll answer in this post. Fair warning: expect your life to change.
Your Battlefields
This spiritual war has two major battlefields – the mind and the environment. He uses your environment to attack your mind. Look around you. What around you cannot be influenced in some way by our adversary, the devil? Even most foods we eat are polluted to affec
Battlefield Earth Part 2 – We Are Soldiers in a Spiritual War
In Part 1 – Overview of Battlefield Earth, I laid out a bird’s eye view of the war we are facing right now. While this war has raged for centuries, the battlefield has spread to nearly every corner of the earth. Why? Because man has spread to every corner of the earth.
We humans do not see many of these battles happening around us as warlike. Instead we point to armed combatants facing off to kill each other. That’s war… isn’t it? Is it? What about the invasion of our southern borders? What about the millions struggling with addiction? What about those little battles at your office? Lives are at stake. Even the most imperceptible disagreement can start a ripple that fuels a Tsunami. Asked the relatives of those employees killed by a crazed co-worker. The trouble is, you may never know until you are looking certain
Overview of Battle Field Earth
The world is at war. I’m not talking some silly euphemistic pseudo war. Nor do I refer to the myriad of skirmishes taking place at different hot spots around the globe. Nope. I’m not talking about none of that. I mean WAR, a real, down and dirty, no-holds-barred war. The problem with this war is, you won’t see it unless you open your eyes. The war I’m referring to is a spiritual war.
Unbelievers will scoff at this, of course. Not only do unbelievers deny the very existence of God, some even deny that evil exists. Yet in the next breath they will call somebody “Hitler” or some other embodiment of the very evil they deny. This post is not written for them. I’ll not attempt to bring anyone to Christ here.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless You!
@elonmusk RE: Stepping Down as Twitter CEO – An Open Letter
An open letter to Elon Musk…
About your poll as to whether to step down as CEO of Twitter…
While my initial response was along the lines of “WHAT!? Are you kidding? NO! Then I gave pause to thought. This response is from my thoughtful side.
First, lets consider who and what you are. I can only surmise based on the limited information I have so I’ll take a more empirical view. After all, I don’t know you. Some recent personal revelations suggest even if we were “buddy buddy”, I might still not know you. To that end I’ll consider the bigger picture.
Depending on the whims of modern finance you are one, if not the wealthiest man on the planet at this time. How did you get there? First, I have to admit God put you where you are. Don’t get all that excited about this because God also put Joe Biden in the White House and so forth. Your position is not an endorsement.
Still, you have notched success after success, ran or run several multi-billion dollar corporations b
Eyes on Brazil
Recently, I saw a report from Brazil suggesting the military might step in under Constitutional authority to audit the recent election. My understanding is this may be even more volatile than it sounds.
If you’ve been following events in Brazil at all, you probably know President-elect Lula De Silva, the communist convicted felon was certified the winner and sworn into office under dubious circumstances. The Brazilian courts, packed with enough communist sycophants to sway things to the left, have blessed this election despite massive protests from the citizens. And by “massive” I do mean MASSIVE protests. Citizens have been filling the streets nationwide for over a month now to decry what they believe to be a fraudulent election.
As of late, indigenous leaders, who are typically left-wing, have been jailed for joining these protests and being outspoken about the corruption. Not only is the government’s actions considered blatantly unconstitutional but they are causing furthe
Is Our Nation Lost?
One comment I read today concerns the Warnock-Walker Senate race in Georgia. The commenter stated if Warnock wins, it’s over for the republican party. Similar dissertations have popped up over other results. Right now the republican party is reeling and wringing their hands on how to become more relevant. Of course, they don’t use those words but isn’t relevance what it amounts to?
Let’s face it, most of today’s republicans can be likened to ghetto white boys. They dress what they think an inner-city gangbanger should wear, pound their ears with incessant hip hop, while trying their very best to act, um, cool? Whatever. Back in the old days, the stereotype was the nerd who wanted to be “popular”. Of course they’d always end up looking like idiots. Seems like some kids never learn. Th
Warnock’s Victory and My Response to a FnBook Friend.
Rick, by now you know the election was called for Warnock. As disturbing as many of us find this, it only takes a trowel to dig deep enough to uncover far more disturbing things about this. I’ll list a couple in no particular order.
First, we can gnash our teeth all we want about whether this election was stolen. The numerical difference with 95% tallied is 93,542 votes. How many votes would have to be stolen to reach that result? For the sake of argument, lets say 500,000. If such were true this would mean Walker actually won by over 400,000 votes. Okay. Fine. It would also mean that 1,300,000+ STILL VOTED FOR WARNOCK. If you don’t find this disturbing, why not?
We know what Warnock is. Strip off all the political rhetoric, and the pretty veneer. At his core, he is a globalist. His deepest desire is the same as all his comrades – to absolutely control the entire population (elites, excluded, of course.). At one point the globalists hid their agenda to some extent. No more. The