I actually started a similar post a few days ago. That one may never see the light of day. A great deal of my writing ends up in my own personal Twilight Zone. Once I get it out, I have no need to share it. None of that is intentional. It just is.
So here I am. What’s happened? Well I’ve been doing some deep soul searching trying to figure out well… where DO I go from here?
For one thing, my substack newsletter is a partial answer. I’m not sure just how I will proceed with it. I’m taking it day by day. The essence of it means a great deal to me. I just don’t know how long I can keep up the schedule I set for myself. The one “me issue” that I’ve always been haunted by is I don’t like schedules. Sure, I can show up for a day job day after day but left to myself… not so much. Time will tell.
When I first began that, I was sort of thinking “this was it”. This was the thing I want to do but the feeling was and is a bit uneasy. I am no more comfortable with my musings on “Joy” or more general scriptural topics. I’ve got a lot of stuff on Joy already written. Not quite enough for a book. I have not done much on that in the past couple of weeks.
Earlier this week I had an inspiration that shone out of all of the mental gymnastics I’ve put myself through. It’s an idea for a book, with series potential. I’m not expounding on it yet but I am somewhat excited about the prospects. This is mostly because the idea seems quite fresh to me and it might even be in little known or even virgin subgenre. Best of all it could have wide appeal – very wide. I’ve developed some of the story idea. So far it’s not at all well fleshed out but I’m still settling into it.