Maybe I’ve been living under a rock after all. The other day I listened to some of Joe Bobo’s ramblings. All of a sudden my ears perked up when he mumbled something about a Universal Minimum Tax. What the hell is that? My first thought was “This isn’t Bobo’s idea – his last best idea was to copy somebody else’s work and call it his own.” At least I was right on one thing… Joe Biden remains the world champion of unoriginal thoughts. Now about that Universal Minimum Tax.
First this from our own propaganda machine – – aka “The Voice of America”.
US Failure to Implement Global Minimum Tax Could Be Costly
Our Government, Our Employees… Work So Very Hard for US – NOT!
Four articles today detailing some very disturbing revelations. Surprise, surprise, half of the articles below center around the DOJ.
This first article covers several seemingly unrelated stories of violence perpetuated upon a range of individuals from politicians to teenage citizens. Taken separately they are unsettling stories. Taken as a whole, a larger picture begins to form. Granted, it’s hard to say whether one could select any number of articles from a set period in history and postulate on theory or another. What I’m saying is it is not reasonable to come to any solid conclusions from the “evidence” provided. That said, whether there really is an increase in politically motivated violence or not, it only takes one instance to ruin a life. Do stay aware of your surroundings… always.