The previous two posts dealt with the body of Christ and how we are members of that body. These are important concepts. How do I know they are important? GOD wrote us letters about these things! God doesn’t do fluff, therefore everything He tells us is important. Now I’m about to delve into how these important concepts apply to us as Christians today.
You should know already that God chose you to be a member, part of the body of Christ. You should also know your part in God’s plan is important. Remember, God doesn’t do fluff, so you are not fluff. Look. I can relate to how some of you might feel. As a writer, I tend to cringe when I see authors with 10, 20, 40 books to their names. For many of them, publishing books is just a sideline. Me? Not so much. Writing has rarely been my day job. I’ve been a working stiff all my life and those jobs I’ve held, well, they were just jobs. When I’m being honest with myself, I have to admit I failed to understand the concepts I’m re