Well that was exciting. Please don’t too critical. This is my first effort to produce and post a video and it is only the introduction! I put a short, short, short (short than me – a low bar indeed!) intro with me in it. I’ve always been camera shy so it was a stretch. Now…
Wanderings and My Triumphant Return!
Okay, well if the subject lines sounds a bit pretentious and dramatic, there’s a reason for that. It is! If you’ve ever met me in person you might just realize this is just my wacko sense of humor (or what I call it anyway) slipping out. So anyway, I really have been “wandering” so to…
Solution to Puzzle #1
Solution: 1 … Qxb7+! 2. Qxb7 2. Rxc8# Quiz: Can you name three elements demonstrated in this puzzle? (Hint, one element is not relevant to the solution)
Test Post
Long story short, I was cross posting this blog to my writer’s website – AMHavens.com but the system “burped” when I had to make some changes at my web host.
While I’m not so sure how great this cross-posting really is, at least anyone visiting my writing site will know I really AM writing! 🙂
Moreover, I do have plans for some posts only on that site so if you haven’t visited there yet, you might want to mosey over some day.
Happy Independence Day 2023!
The true name of our July 4th borders on irony today. “Independence Day”, yeah, right. Our nation has become the exact opposite of independent. We are dependent on foreign oil. Our government is dependent on foreign cash to keep spending. More and more citizens are dependent on that spending to live their lives. Worse, those of us who are fiercely determined to remain independent are criticized, ostracized, and often targeted for legal and possibly lethal actions. Call me “Debbie Downer” but I’m calling it as I see it. Is it all really that bad? Well… yes. Yes it is. However down is not out. I do not believe we are done yet.
If you’ve been paying attention, you know I’ve long emphasized how our nation can be restored. Scoff if you will, but until and unless we turn to God Almighty, repent and ask for deliverance then all our hopes and dreams are likely to fade away. Can God save us? What!? Are you serious? If God cannot save us, H
Sunday, June 25, 2023 Where Have I Been Since April?
Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s been over two months since I last posted. Short and sweet – I got to the point where I wasn’t finishing any of the posts I started. I’d get an idea for a topic, get started and then I floundered. Finally I gave it all a rest.
Was God telling me I needed a break? I don’t know. At least He wasn’t saying it in so many words. What I can say is recently I’ve felt the strong urge to get back in the game. It’s not that I have any “inspiring” posts demanding to be published. Fact is, I saw an interview of Eric Metaxas by Lance Wallnau – twice. Okay, so the second time I cut it short because I knew I’d seen it but not before Eric says God is calling the Church to be The Church. I tried to link it but I’m getting crap. Try going to RAV – Real America’s Voice to find it. I’m sure it’s there but it is a bit of a pain to get to which is why I’m posting a link myself. (Are you getting that Steve Bannon? How about making it easier to access your channel’s content
Mitch McConnell on His Way Out?
This from The Gateway Pundit:
It gets deeper “multiple sources confirm that Senators John Barrasso of Wyoming, John Cornyn of Texas and John Thune of South Dakota are actively reaching out to fellow Republican senators in efforts to prepare for an anticipated leadership vote ”
Now consider these sterling choices presented to take McConnell’s place. What do they all have in common? They are all
FIB’ers Infiltrating Christian Churches – Yawn.
This was a big headline on The Gateway Pundit:
I’m sorry but so what? PLEASE don’t tell me you are really surprised by this
Dershowitz Says Trump Will Be Convicted
For the most part, I’ve always admired Alan Dershowitz – a world-renowned defense attorney who seems to be one of the more forthright of his species. For the life of me, I simply cannot understand why he leans of far left. Other than that, the man has an incredible legal mind. I saw this headline on The Gateway Pundit this morning:
I always say “Great minds think alike, but greater minds think like mine!”. Yes, I am joking. That said, I don’t have to see the video to follow his reasoning. Trump will be tried in enemy territory. As far as I’m concerned he’d get a fairer shake i
Mark Levin’s Democrat Rage
Sunday night – April 2, 2023 – Mark Levin dedicated his show to exposing the doings and goals of the Democrat party. In essence, he said the Democrats are out to destroy Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and our nation. I will add their agenda plays out more or less in that order. He is not wrong but he is not entirely correct either.
Levin is a very smart, sharp individual. He is well-spoken and passionate about liberty and our nation. He is one of the few commentators I still watch on a regular basis. For all that his perspective is far to narrow for my tastes. He correctly sees the rampage the Democrat party has gone on. He correctly understands to some degree the uniparty concept. I’m sure I am understating his understanding but in all fairness, he tends to understate destructive nature of the two-party system