Earlier I posted the Tweet below on FnBook and Twitter. The song America by Chris Tomlin came to mind. I also posted the lyrics below.
As I’ve been posting, only God can save and restore our nation and for Him to work we must turn to him! Ask yourself, why should God restore our nation if we continue in our sinful ways?
The time for revival has come. Praise the Lord!
Asbury University Revival and Beyond
Yesterday marked the end of the Asbury University revival. Strangely enough, while it began spontaneously, the end was planned. However even the end offered some deeply spiritual connotations.
The way I heard it, the revival began after a regular chapel prayer. The students lingered. One stood up and started listing his faults. Things snowballed from there to gain international attention. It all ended yesterday, February 23, 2023 as the college hosed the National Collegiate Day of Prayer. That Asbury University hosted this was no last minute detail – it had been scheduled two years previously. But that’s not the only oddity.
Back in 1970, there was another spontaneous revival at, you guessed it, Asbury University. For those with long memories, 1970 was remarkable for yet another historical landmark, a secular one. The Ka
Calling the Body of Christ to Unity!
The previous two posts dealt with the body of Christ and how we are members of that body. These are important concepts. How do I know they are important? GOD wrote us letters about these things! God doesn’t do fluff, therefore everything He tells us is important. Now I’m about to delve into how these important concepts apply to us as Christians today.
You should know already that God chose you to be a member, part of the body of Christ. You should also know your part in God’s plan is important. Remember, God doesn’t do fluff, so you are not fluff. Look. I can relate to how some of you might feel. As a writer, I tend to cringe when I see authors with 10, 20, 40 books to their names. For many of them, publishing books is just a sideline. Me? Not so much. Writing has rarely been my day job. I’ve been a working stiff all my life and those jobs I’ve held, well, they were just jobs. When I’m being honest with myself, I have to admit I failed to understand the concepts I’m re
The Body of Christ – Members in Particular
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
The above is from the King James. The World English Bible (WEB) renders it a bit differently.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
Why quote both versions? To begin with, I understand lots of people don’t much like the KJV. I’m partial to it because I’ve been reading it for so long. Even so, I like to get a different perspective now and then. Too often I find passages I’ve either missed for years or lacked a fuller understanding. The above verse is a good example.
The word “particular” can mean many things in English. Individual is one synonym. Distinct is another. When dealing with the concept of the Body of Christ, it seems quite relevant to take in the parts as well as the whole. You and I are the parts. Christ Jesus, as the head, is also a part. This passage in Corinthians goes to g
Maybe you can tell me how many times I’ve posted WE are the government. If I’d bothered to try, I’d have lost count long ago. Newsflash: WE are also the body of Christ – at least those of us who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. (Romans 10:9-10) The difference between the two statements is one only needs to be a US Citizen to be included in the first group. One must consciously accept Christ to be born again of God’s spirit and become part of the body. So this post is directed at my brethren in Christ in particular.
Romans 12:4 For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members don’t have the same function,
5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
Ephesians 5:23 for a husband i
After January 20, 2023 – Politics and Other Stuff and a Peek into the Future… Sort of
After January 20, 2023 – Politics and Other Stuff
In case you are wondering, I am not going to chime in much concerning the speculation of Joe Bobo stepping down from office amid this latest classical document scandal. As early as May of 2021 I wondered if he wouldn’t be ousted shortly after completing his second year in office. At the time, my reasoning was whoever was installed after him would potentially have ten years in office as they would be eligible to run for office twice since they stepped in after the two-year mark. Now I’m questioning my previous assertions.
For one thing, Harris is still VP. I can imagine her inaugural speech:
“Thank you for the opportunity being President at this opportune time because it provides me an opportunity to be President and so paves the way for opportunities for other women who are black and who now have more opportunities to be thing
Prepare Ye for Battle
Previously, I laid out the spiritual battle being waged before our eyes. This is not some fantastical dreamy ideological war. It is in your face real life warfare. Look around you. The whole “misinformation” agenda should be enough to convince anybody. Since when does open and honest debate present a danger to anybody? “Someone” or rather a certain faction, is intent on being the sole source of what information you are fed. Anyone who disputes or simply questions the “official version” is the enemy. The only trouble is, every so-called “official source” be it from government, an NGO, the media propagandists, or some sanctified “expert”, has been caught red-handed in their own lies again and again and again. Why is this important?
We Are Only Human
VERIFIED! GOD is speaking!
A month or so ago, I came across this fellow Lance Wallnau on Real America’s Voice. I do believe is is a man of God. I started saving his show Firewall on DVR. Due to some personal constraints, I haven’t caught up on his show. Last night my wife and I watched his December 31, 2022 broadcast. I was floored. So much of what he said are things I’ve been saying and posting here.
Compare the broadcast linked below with my Battlefield Earth three-part series. The final installment was posted on the same day this episode of Firewall was broadcast.
The Truth About America’s Destiny and the Role of the Church
This says to me God is speaking through more than just little ol’ me. I am humbled to be a part of God’s
World War III: Life in the War Zone
The three-part Battlefield Earth series of posts set the stage for World War III. If you missed these you can find part 1 here. While all of these posts are directed at Christians, the fact is, there are not any “conscientious objectors”, no neutral parties. No one is sitting this one out. No one. It’s not that participation is mandatory, but rather inescapable. You can no more refrain from taking part than you can stop breathing. So you might as well face facts and suck it up.
Of course you can ignore the truth. Many of you are well-practiced at that. Non-Christian, Christian, it doesn’t matter. You’ve bummed along, lived your life in the midst of chaos, paying no attention to all of what goes around you. Nobody will stop you from continuing on until the day you die, if you so choose. Somebody may put a gun to your head, literally or figura
Bluntly, I Am Shocked – Died Suddenly – Must See Video Report
WARNING! Some of the images in the video below are disturbing. It is NOT for children nor for the feint of heart.
The video below was forwarded to me by a friend. It takes a lot to shock me these days, particularly when it comes to medical issues. I have a medical background (x-ray). I’ve been in operating rooms. I witnessed someone die before my eyes.
The video below is a bit over an hour long. It’s worth watching all the way through. The evil unveiled is indisputable. Not long ago, I posted about the Spiritual War we are all engulfed in. Keep that in mind as you see how several disparate entities work together; medical, media, government, and others, to further the globalists’ agenda.