A couple of things – First – I think it is a good idea to register a “throwaway” domain that won’t matter so much if it gets blacklisted. If you have something we can use already, fine. Let’s set up an email for it such as Avner@ or some such. Note, I plan on signing these emails with your name because you have all the creditability here.
Second Dekker says “it doesn’t really matter if you are only sending 100 emails per day. Okay… BUT – how many of those emails will get flagged for spam anyway? Do we want to take that chance? I will leave that decision up to you as while lemlist offers a 14-day free trial – obviously any warm up will eat that up. After that it is $39-$99 per month (pd monthly).
Meanwhile, I’m working a first draft for revision of the home page and/or a landing page.