Hi! Not sure how you got here but I’m glad you stopped by.
If you’d like to catch up on my latest ventures, do visit my blog. For your convenience (and so this site doesn’t look empty by neglect 🙂 I cross-post here from my other site – The Liberty Coalition.
Either way, you’ll find my last five posts right here.
- Update – Trump, The Nation, and The Body of Christ
- Update on Your Manifest Purpose” and an Exciting New Free Release!
- Why Would God Almighty Choose YOU for Heaven’s Sake?
- Another, DIFFERENT Look at Elizabeth’s Red Car Theory Story
- Elizabeth’s “Red Car Theory” – Unbeknownst To Her – It Reveals a Principle Outlined in My Upcoming Book!
My name is Andrew Havens. I’ve written several books, some of which you can even buy. Seriously, to date I’ve only published the one book below. While I think it is a great book revealing many “dirty little secrets” most in the life insurance industry wouldn’t tell you from their deathbed with their last breath. It explains a lot such as who should buy life insurance, when and why. (spoiler alert – you should buy life insurance now because the price will never be lower, you will not likely be healthier, and every day you delay you lose out.) Readers also learn what to do with their life insurance once they own it. (Hint – sticking your policy in a dusty drawer and forgetting about it is the worst idea possible.)
Anyway you can still get “Life Insurance ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ for Consumers Revealed” below.
Available in paperback and your favorite digital format!
Click on the cover for more information.
Meanwhile… I’m finishing up an exciting new book on spiritual warfare.
Warning! It doesn’t have a name as of yet. What I can tell you right here, right now is…
Whatever you think spiritual warfare is… you’re wrong! Want PROOF? HERE is the TITLE!
Your Manifest Purpose
“How God Almighty Chose You For This Time and
Place in History… and Where to Go from Here”
What?! That’s right – the title of my new book doesn’t even hint anything about spiritual warfare. Rest assured – the title of the book is right on the money. The fact is the purpose God has chosen for your life immerses you in spiritual warfare. You didn’t volunteer – you were drafted!
If you’ve ever wondered why you were ever born…
If you’ve thought you were born at the wrong time in the wrong place…
If you’ve ever wondered if God really exists…
If you’ve ever struggled with your Christian walk…
This book is for you!
These past few months I’ve been on an incredible journey. God has shown me so much! Why? Because I dared to ask. That’s it. Some of these things I could easily figure out just by looking around. Other things? Not so much. The most maddening part of all is God has shown me things that have been staring me in the face for decades! How face palming. Don’t be me and wait for years to find out stuff you can put to use today and bear good fruit for the rest of your days.
I won’t say much more right now. If you love God, love Jesus, and want to make the most of your life here on earth – including knowing your purpose – today and moving forward, understanding how to recognize and thwart spiritual attacks – even those subtle “ninja” attacks you never see until you are flat on your face, as well as how to tap into real “power from on high”, please subscribe below. I’ll keep you informed on my progress and let you know as soon as the book is hot off the press.
God bless you,
Andy Havens